Senin, 26 Desember 2011

our dearest lila

waktu ultah kemarin, aku dapet amploan dari tante, isinya ada suratnya. gatau kenapa suratnya bikin nyesek gitu :'D.. Ini isinya :

For our dearest lila
happy sweet seventeen .... you are already 17 years old now. you are now not just "a girl" anymore.. but you are still not yet "a woman" [pas bagian ini aku sedikit menyesal mengapa umurku 17, uda di ujung ABG nih, sial]. you are now "a big-grown up girl". wish you will always get what you want. wish you can always reach what you are dreaming of ...
Always remember the long road in front of you, many chances are waiting for you..
always take care of yourself, and be guard for yourself......
Always love and respect your parents. Remember, their love always give for you.. they will always be at your side in your sadness and happiness..
Happy sweet seventeen lila, we always love you

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